We’ve ranked our top 10 picks and best sellers for our Beauty Awards celebration, but it just wouldn’t be fair without a dedicated campaign from our savvy and opinionated community—AKA you guys! We have two winners in our People’s Choice category—they may not be brand-spanking new products on Soko Glam, but they’ve been top performers time and again and certainly deserve acknowledgement for being our best-rated buys. Think of this as the TL;DR version of product reviews. Want to know which products take the top cake in the makeup and skin care departments? Well here they are…
Best Makeup Product:
Iope Air Cushion Compact
If you want the best, you’ll often find it at the beginning. Iope’s Air Cushion Compact was THE first cushion compact from Korea, and probably a big reason why this whole cushion compact trend took off in the first place. With its dummy-proof makeup delivery system of housing the foundation in a sponge and applying it with another sponge, you can dab on a naturally flawless even glow in less time than it takes to say ”I woke up like this.” It’s said that an Iope Air Cushion Compact is sold every six seconds in the world. The subway system doesn’t even operate that frequently (if only)! Other than the packaging, the foundation is loaded with SPF 50 and a bunch of skin-nourishing vitamins and mineral water—it’s totally appropriate for people with any skin type, even sensitive. Its hydrating formula offers sheer to medium coverage and is meant to be reapplied throughout the day (because SPF wears off with sweat, you know) so it builds nicely. But you guys all knew this, didn’t you? Here’s some our favorite votes from you guys:

“Just started this product about a week or so ago! It made my skin a lot smoother and has kept recent breakouts down to very minimal! I think it is the exfoliating properties that have my been helping my skin remain a lot brighter and even calm (less red) ever since I purchased it. This is definitely my top holy grail product at the moment. It has made my skin just that much better. I use it morning, night and after a run, which REALLY makes a difference in the cleanliness of my pores. Will VERY likely purchase when I run out. “
“I love that it’s the perfect cleanser AND toner. It saved my skin! Even when I double cleansed with an oil and a foam, my face didn’t feel clean, and this product does exactly what I need, it removes EVERYTHING. It is heaven on earth and definitely Holy Grail status. I even made my father, mother and sister try it and they love it.”
“I love the packaging to the light weight feeling of its pure essential ingredients. I use it morning and night in my daily skin routine. I also apply the beauty water before makeup application. I’ve been using this product on a twice daily basis and I swear that my skin looks brighter and supple.”
“Ease of use in makeup preparation especially if I apply makeup later on in the day and prefer not to have to go through my full cleansing routine. This one step process is great for cleaning my skin before I apply my makeup products. Thank you for curating this!”
“This product is wonderful. It leaves my skin refreshed and feeling oh so great each time I use it. I never travel without it!!!”