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Klog Chat: What Are Your Skin Care Resolutions for 2021?

What Are Your Skin Care Resolutions for 2022?

 In this installment of Klog Chats, we’re delving into a topic on everyone’s minds right now: resolutions. What better way to flex a little control over 2022 than to outline our skin care goals for this year? In our New Year’s skin-travaganza based promises, we’re aiming to tackle everything from fine lines to irritating comedones.

As I finish wrapping up my goodbyes to 2021, I’ve had to reflect on my rollercoaster of a journey with skin care this year. It’s quite evident to me that the different stages of the last twelve months played out in my beauty routines. 

Instead of creating a consistent routine to address both my old and new concerns (hello, maskne), I put skin care regularity on the backburner. This quick pivot in practices left my face recovering from whiplash.

As we settle into the idea of 2022, I want to set three skin care and beauty resolutions to hold myself to for the next twelve months. Sure, this is much easier said than done, but I hope you’ll all hold me accountable.

Double Down on Consistency

As mentioned, the regularity with which I carried out my morning and nighttime routines decreased significantly after March.

My daily items sat neglected in my bathroom closet. Even my holy grail items, placed directly in my line of sight, went untouched for weeks on end. When I did finally decided muster up the strength to reach into the depths of my product-filled shelves, I’d somewhat overcompensate, slathering on everything at once. My irregular efforts didn’t better my skin, which serves as a surprise to no one.

Next year I’m committing to consistency. After all, it is the key to bringing about- and maintaining- real results. Whether I spearhead this commitment to regularity in the form of a skin care journal or a daily check-in with other skin-care lovers, I’m yet to decide! But, I do know I’d love to see my mask induced acne, annoying comedones, and fine lines disappear.

Become One With the Anti-Aging Community 

The fine lines marking my eyes and forehead were surely present before my birthday this summer, however it’s only after the realization that I’m not getting any younger that I began the transition from anti-aging prevention to anti-aging treatment. 

Anti-aging ingredients, like retinol and niacinamide, already sit on my vanity in products ranging from toners like Some By Mi’s AHA-BHA-PHA 30Days Miracle Toner to Good (Skin) Days’ C’s The Day Serum. But, in 2021 I hope to incorporate more “deep-cut” anti-aging ingredients, like carrot seed oil, as seen in Neogen’s Carrot Deep Clear Removal Oil Pad, and licorice root oil. 

Practice Greener Beauty

Because I already cut down on my plastic consumption, I assumed I’d “cleaned” up my beauty act. Turns out, I was contributing to a totally different h2o based problem. In the past, I was drawn to water heavy products. However, I’ve grown to learn that water heavy beauty and skin care products can impact the distribution of earth’s natural resources.

In order to do my part, next year, I’m going to be a more conscious consumer and really fine tune my skin care purchasing and consuming behavior. This not only leaves me with more control over what I buy and use, but also allows me to really see what works for my complexion, as I’m not constantly changing what I’m using.

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