The Klog

We Made a Magazine!

Introducing…the first-ever, limited edition Klog Zine! Read on to find out where to snag a copy, and what you’ll find inside.

There are over six years worth of skin care tips on The Klog. It wasn’t easy to choose, but we compiled the very best ones and put them into print as part of the very first Klog Zine.
In addition to the OG tips, you’ll also find brand new content, plus fun quizzes, handy charts, and an illustrated Seoul travel guide.
Consider the 25-page book your guide to all-things K-beauty and skin care. Whether you’re a double cleanse veteran or are new to the 10-step, you’ll find helpful advice and knowledge to use as you go through your daily routine or are shopping for new products.
We started off with the fundamentals, like how to determine your skin type and how to build a skin care routine from the ground up.
Once you’ve graduated from the school of the basics, you’ll find out the do’s and don’ts of mixing ingredients, and how to diagnose your acne.
Then, as part of your continuing skin care education, we broke down the difference between American and Korean sunscreens and detailed what six popular ingredients can do for your skin.
Finally, you can have some fun with our very unofficial horoscopes, or as we call them, skin-scopes.
And now for the most important part: How you get one!
A limited number of copies are available now exclusively at Soko Glam’s Soko House pop-up shop in New York City. All you have to do is make a $35 purchase and a Klog Zine is yours.
If you get one, let us know! Snap a photo and tag us on Instagram @theklog.

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