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How Beauty Writer Rio Viera-Newton Takes Care of Her Skin in Her Everyday Life

Rio Viera-Newton Interview

Even the best skin care products have limitations if you’re not also taking care of your skin and overall health in your everyday life. Find out the lifestyle habits that have helped beauty writer Rio Viera-Newton maintain her clear and glowing complexion below.

Rio Viera-Newton is the resident K-beauty fanatic and all-around beauty guru at New York Magazine’s The Strategist. Her skin care obsession became publicized after a Google Doc of her detailed regimen – originally created for friends inquiring about her radiant complexion – was published online.
Despite her affinity for soothing sheet masks, zit-zapping serums, and the double cleanse method, she knows that good skin starts with good lifestyle habits. “I think that so often people rely on just products to fix their skin, but it’s really so much more!” she told us. Here, she details the ways she’s learned to maintain her selfie-ready complexion that go beyond her extensive routine.

How Going Vegan Improved Her Eczema and Hormonal Acne

I recently began educating myself on the politics of the food industry and ultimately decided I wanted to cut as much meat and dairy out of my diet as I could. It was really difficult at first (I adore cheese), but I’ve been meat- and dairy-free now for about a month. I’ve noticed a lot of changes in my body, but the most visible improvement has been my eczema and hormonal acne. I definitely wasn’t expecting these results!

How Upping Her H20 Intake Affected Her Dry Skin

I naturally have extremely dry, sensitive skin. When I first got into skin care, I was slapping all these hyaluronic acid serums and ultra thick creams on my face every night in attempt to hydrate my skin. I wasn’t noticing a drastic change and then one day I realized…I barely drink any water! This sounds super obvious, but skin care really does start from the inside out. Once I started drinking enough water to properly hydrate my body, my moisturizing serums and creams started acting as supplementary treatments and then I really saw results.

Why She Considers Hats a Summer Wardrobe Staple

Sun protection is incredibly important! I try to layer SPF-infused makeup products on top of my traditional SPF as well as bring an SPF spray with me in my purse for touch ups— that way I feel as protected as possible when I hit the hot, sweaty, NYC streets. Of course, staying out of the sun as much as you can is the best thing you can do for your skin, but that’s not always realistic. That’s why hats have become a summer staple of mine, whether it’s a baseball cap on the way to the gym, or a cute bucket hat to pair with my sundresses!

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