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This Pore-Vacuuming Facial Gave Me Glowier, Less Congested Skin


Dermalinfusion is a popular resurfacing treatment that cleans your pores through suction. Keep reading to find out if it’s right for your skin.

A few months ago, a friend of a friend posted on Instagram about a new professional treatment that made her skin feel exceptionally clean and hydrated and best of all, required no downtime: the Dermlinfusion Silk Peel by Envy Medical. She experienced no redness or irritation, and the process was non-invasive. As someone with sensitive skin, I was intrigued so I decided to give the treatment a try myself at Erase Spa in New York City. Here’s what I learned and how it improved my complexion. 

What is Dermalinfusion?

Dermalinfusion is a three-step, all-in-one treatment that exfoliates your skin, extracts and cleans your pores through suction, and simultaneously delivers a hydrating serum through one single wand. It’s known as a gentler and more advanced alternative to microdermabrasion. 

Who is a good candidate for Dermalinfusion?

The first thing my facialist Sherine asked me before we began was whether or not I was currently using any strong acids, retinol, or acne treatments on my face. These products can make a Dermalinfusion treatment irritating to your skin, so contact your treatment provider before your procedure to find out how you should tweak your routine in preparation. If you suffer from rosacea, eczema, or severe acne, though, Dermalinfusion might not be for you. Sherine did mention, however, that there are different kinds of exfoliating heads for the wand that are more appropriate for those with these skin conditions, so be sure to let your aesthetician know of any concerns before the treatment. 
RELATED: Do Pore Vacuums Actually Work?
If you are suffering from congested skin, this is a great treatment for you. Before using the wand, Sherine steamed my face as you’d expect during a regular facial and applied an exfoliating scrub. Then the diamond head did a great job of exfoliating and the suction is perfect for clearing clogged pores. The delivery of the hydrating serum at the same time ensures optimal moisture. The whole process took about 45 minutes.

Real talk: Does it hurt?

Nope. I’m a wuss when it comes to pain, and the diamond head felt no rougher on my skin than a cat’s tongue. The feeling of the suction was similar to the HydraFacial. Sherine used an extracting tool after the treatment because I’m very congested in my T-Zone. The extractions were much more painful than the Dermalinfusion itself.

The Results

After the treatment, you can see a container of gunk that the wand sucked from your skin, which is a satisfying bonus, depending on your sensibilities.
It’s important, as with any kind of post-facial care, to let your skin breathe afterwards – don’t immediately slather on gobs of makeup. Sherine did recommend applying a moisturizer and sunscreen, however.
Immediately after the treatment, my skin looked glowy. My skin was incredibly soft and even my lips seemed fuller. About three days after the treatment, I did have several very large breakouts; whether or not these were caused by the treatment bringing things to the surface or just coincidental, who knows. But a week on, I noticed a definite improvement in some hyperpigmentation.
I would recommend Dermalinfusion to anyone who is looking to clear congestion and to lessen dark spots.

Frequency and Cost

If you like Dermalinfusion, it’s recommended to do the treatment once a month to remove dead skin cells, especially if you’re dealing with hyperpigmentation. The treatment will set you back about $200.

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