The Klog

Balance Over Restriction: How to Create Healthy Habits, For Good

Creative Healthy Habits with Bille Robyn

We’ve all been there. Building new and healthy habits, let alone sticking to them, isn’t easy. However, it’s never too late, and sometimes, a little push and the right form of guidance are all you need. We spoke to Fitness, Nutrition and Mindset Coach, Billie Robyn, to get her secrets on how you can create long-term and healthy habits to achieve a more balanced lifestyle. 

You place a lot of emphasis on mindset in your practice, which we love. Can you explain more about why this is so important, particularly when approaching fitness and nutrition?

Your body is home to your biggest asset – your mind! A huge part of taking care of yourself and your health is taking care of your mind and how you feel. It’s so important to self-reflect, acknowledge your feelings and speak to yourself positively. I believe that if we reinforce good thoughts about ourselves, we’ll perform better in every aspect of life – including fitness. 

Mindset is so important when approaching fitness and nutrition because exercise and eating balanced and healthy meals will not only give you physical results but also give you mental ones – which are the most important!

Similarly, nutrition and fitness can also affect the mindset. What are some ways to make sure you’re setting yourself up for success when adapting to a new routine?

Make sure you’re being realistic! I always encourage setting goals for yourself in fitness and nutrition, but always making sure that those goals are achievable, and not too extreme. Another way to set yourself up for success in a new routine is to take your time! Results take time – mentally and physically – so make sure you’re being consistent but balanced, you’re not going to form new habits overnight.

Do you believe that you can build healthy eating habits, without being too restrictive? What would be your advice on how to balance this?

Absolutely! This is one of my most fundamental beliefs, that’s why my program, The Billie Robyn Body Method is all about BALANCE and NO RESTRICTIONS. My advice would be to not cut anything out from your diet! You don’t need to avoid any food groups or have certain foods be off-limits. That’s right! You can have pizza, wine and cake! You can indulge, just in moderation. If you want to create healthy eating habits, they have to be sustainable and balance. You have to eat in a way that you can sustain long-term!

It can feel impossible to fit a workout into a daily routine, especially if you’re juggling work and caring for children at home. Do you have any tips on how we can better incorporate workouts in our daily routines?

Definitely plan and schedule your workouts! Add them to your calendar the weekend before if you can. That way you know exactly when and for how long you are working out each day and you have already dedicated the time out of your busy schedule.

Many of us live in small spaces with overflowing storage. What are some at-home workout basics (in terms of equipment) that you recommend?  

There are a few at-home workout equipment basics that I always recommend:

What are your favorite and most effective at-home workout moves that with zero equipment?

We love your outfits as much as your workouts!. Where are your favorite places to shop? Do you have any favorite workout outfits you find yourself coming back to?

Cute activewear can be so motivating when working out!! Bandier and Carbon38 are great for shopping for different workout brands.

Yes! I always have my favorite outfits/ go to’s that I wear in constant rotation. My favorite pieces right now are my Adam Selman Sport daisy set, my Girlfriend Collective set and my Kavala Collective flower power sets!

We have made your no-bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars and let us just say… wow! What are some of your other favorite simple (but healthy) recipes?

The no-bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars are my absolute favorites! I also make these no-bake Coconut Peanut Butter Cookies that you can find here on my Instagram (@billierobyn). They’re so easy and fast to make, and you only need 5 ingredients! I also love making Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Banana Bites – You just put a teaspoon of melted dark chocolate in a mini cupcake baking cup, then a slice of banana, then melted peanut butter on top and leave them in the freezer to harden for 30 minutes! So healthy and delicious! Can you tell I love peanut butter? 

Tell us about your coaching program. What do you find most rewarding about coaching others and helping them on their fitness journey?

My program, the Billie Robyn Body Method is an Online Fitness, Nutrition & Mindset Coaching program. My Signature Program is 12 weeks long –  clients can receive either one-on-one coaching with me or group coaching. Every client gets a customized and personalized Workout Plan and  Nutrition Plan built by me based on their needs and goals. It’s a great educational and inspiring program. We’re all about balance and feeling your best ever!

The most rewarding thing for me is seeing and hearing how happy my clients are. They’re constantly expressing that they have found a new level of self-confidence, self-love and are experiencing gratitude like never before. I absolutely love helping women take care of their bodies and minds and feel like the best version of themselves!

How can we implement some of the fitness and mindset habits you teach day-to-day?

For mindset, I highly recommend journaling every morning, even if it’s only for 5-10 minutes. Journaling is so helpful with being in a positive frame of mind, self-reflecting and achieving goals you set for yourself.

I am also a huge believer in affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that can help change our minds and a great tool to overcome negative thoughts. I suggest coming up with an affirmation to focus on each week. Write it down and say it to yourself out loud every day!

For fitness, I recommend setting realistic expectations – a 30-minute workout a day 3 or 4 times a week is enough! Make sure you’re doing workouts that you look forward to do, and workouts that make you feel good!

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