The Klog

Here’s Exactly What Antioxidants Are and Why You Need Them to Prevent Aging

antioxidants for aging

Know you should be using antioxidants for aging but not sure why? Let Charlotte explain everything you need to know about antioxidants and skin care to you in the video below!

In the video above, Charlotte explains why you need antioxidants in your skin care routine if you want to prevent aging. Here’s the shortened version: Sometimes the molecules in our bodies split up due to stress, smoking, and lack of exercise and create unpaired electrons, and when a molecule has an unpaired election, it becomes unstable and turns into a free radical. This is real bad, because free radicals tend to start attacking healthy molecules, creating even more free radicals, eventually turning into oxidative stress. This can lead to premature aging.
Before you freak out and think your body is doomed, this is where antioxidants come in to save the day. These awesome things actually donate an electron to the free radicals, turning them back into healthy molecules (antioxidants don’t turn into free radicals once they donate the electron).
To get healthy, hydrated skin, reach for products with antioxidants. Luckily, there’s plenty of great options. If you suffer from acne, reach for a honey-infused product like the Skinfood Royal Honey Propolis Essence. Green tea is another great antioxidant, particularly for anti-aging. You can give it a try with the Neogen Real Fresh Green Tea Cleansing Stick. Another great antioxidant is squalene, which you can find in the Hanskin Vstra Toning Water-Radiance Cream.
To discover more great antioxidant-filled products and what kind of ingredients you need to use with antioxidants to make them work, watch Charlotte’s video above!

+ What are your favorite antioxidants for aging? Share your picks in the comments!

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